Monday 24 March 2014


1.      Overwhelming Feelings
There is always a huge learning curve when you first start a business. Although you may have lots of experience in the corporate world in your field, it's totally different when you're the captain of your own ship. Now, you have to be the boss, the marketer, the secretary, the customer service person, the shipper, and the list goes on! But these overwhelming feelings surely do not only come to starting entrepreneurs. Some experienced and successful entrepreneurs tend to feel overwhelmed at times too so don't be discouraged.

2.      Lack of Support
Sometimes entrepreneurs find it difficult for family and friends to understand their drive. We aren’t built the same way as most. Push through any criticism you encounter and stay focused, you’ll find that, following success, those very same people will often be singing a very different tune. Find support in colleagues and industry connections. Get involved in professional organizations that are related to your endeavor and stay motivated by connecting with other successful entrepreneurs. You aren’t alone.

3.      Growing a Business        
The challenge in growing a business mostly lies in the lack of financial resources. Let's face it, money begets money. If you have the money, it's easier to put your product out there in hundreds of thousands of people just like the bigger brands, the Fortune 500 companies. You see them on TV, radio, billboards, social media, and sometimes maybe in your inbox!

Unfortunately, for most small business and starting entrepreneurs, this is not the case. You have to work hard to make money so you can use that to make more money! How ironic, isn't it? But that's where the challenge is! I really do believe that this area of having your own business teaches you a lot about persistence and creates such an experience for you that molds you as a business person.

4.      Negative Mindset
Often, entrepreneurs find themselves discouraged in the beginnings of a start-up. Failure and lackluster achievements almost always have that affect, it’s natural. What sets true entrepreneurs apart from the crowd is their stamina and willingness to push through the rougher times. Keep your head up and stay focused. Don’t let yourself fall in to the mindset that you can’t accomplish your goals. Good things usually take time to develop. With vision and determination comes success, it’s inevitable.

5.      Feelings of Wanting to Give Up
Because a business takes time to grow and it usually takes a lot of effort to make it work, feelings of wanting to give up do come sometimes, especially when you're not seeing the results that you want when you want it. Perhaps your funds are already starting to get depleted or you're getting physically and mentally drained.

6.      Misplaced Purpose
Money is something we’re all concerned with, but don’t let it blind you from the main goals of your business. Your passion should be focused on your customers and products. Focus on your organization’s message, how you set yourself apart from the competition, and why your business is a valuable asset to consumers, the money will come.


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