Monday 24 March 2014


I choose Tan Sri Tony Fernandes because he was a Malaysian entrepreneur who has successfully transformed a company that is plunging down a long time ago to a well-known brand around the world.

            Tony Fernandes was born April 30, 1964 in Kuala Lumpur. He was recognized for his efforts in flying the Malaysian entrepreneurial spirit on both local and global fronts. Tony Fernandes's father was a physician, originally from Goa and Portuguese-Eurasian mother, Ena Dorothy Fernandes of MalaccaMalaysia.  At a young age, he used to follow his mother, a businesswoman, to Tupperware dealer parties and conventions. He was educated at The Alice Smith School in Kuala Lumpur. He graduated from Epsom College, UK, London School of Economics in 1983.

            Tony Fernandes worked very briefly with Virgin Atlantic as an auditor, subsequently becoming the financial controller for Richard Branson's Virgin Records in London from 1987 to 1989. Tony Fernandes was admitted as Associate Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) in 1991 and became Fellow Member in 1996. He is currently a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW). Upon his return to Malaysia, he became the youngest managing director of Warner Music (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd. He subsequently became the South East Asian regional vice-president for Warner Music Group from 1992-2001.
            When Time Warner Inc announced its merger with America Online Inc., Tony Fernandes left to pursue his dream of starting a budget no-frills airline. However, his application for a license from the Malaysian government was rejected. He never give up and until he came to meet with the Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad in October 2001 through Datuk Pahamin A. Rejab, the former secretary-general of the Malaysian Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry. Instead of starting from scratch, Mahathir advised Tony Fernandes to buy an existing airline. AirAsia, the heavily indebted subsidiary of the Malaysian government-owned conglomerate, DRB-Hicom, was losing money. Tony Fernandes mortgaged his home and used his personal savings to acquire the company, comprising two Boeing 737-300 jet aircraft and debts of US$11 million (RM40 million), for one ringgit (about 26 US cents), and transformed it into an industry player. One year after his takeover, AirAsia had broken even and cleared all its debts. Its initial public offering (IPO) in November 2004 was oversubscribed by 130 per cent.
            Tony Fernandes biggest achievement has been to turn the AirAsia airline into an international carrier. Before the creation of AirAsia, countries in the region did not have open-skies agreements. In mid-2003, Tony Fernandes lobbying pushed Dr Mahathir to raise the idea with the leaders of neighbouring Thailand, Indonesia, and Singapore. As a result, those nations have granted landing rights to AirAsia and other discount carriers. Tony Fernandes opened up the budget carrier sector in the region.
            Tony Fernandes's many awards include honoured by the King of Malaysia with the title Tan Sri, Dato' Sri and also by the government of France with the Legion d'Honneur Order.  In 2011, according to a Team Lotus press release, Tony Fernandes was awarded a CBE or Commander of the Order of the British Empire "for services to promote commercial and educational links" between Malaysia and the UK. He was named as one of the world's 100 most creative people in business for 2011 by New York-based business magazine Fast Company, and awarded the Inaugural ‘Travel Business Leaders Award’ winner by CNBC.



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